CITE Vice-president Named as Entrepreneur of the Year

July 3, 2018

In celebration of Cebu Business Month, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) honored men and women who have made a remarkable impact on Cebu’s business arena. Mario King, president and chief executive officer of Nito’s International Ventures, Inc. was named Entrepreneur of the Year. Mr. King was also the vice-president of CITE.

Mr. King comes from the lineage of the King family whose business successes include Nito’s International Ventures, Skygo Marketing Corporation, and Sto. Nino de Cebu Finance Corp., a company that provides car financing, personal loans, appliance financing, and group financing. Mr. King also diversified his business interests and ventured into real estate through J. Nitton Development Corp., which builds high-quality yet affordable homes for the low-income market.

Mr. King is one of the heirs who helped continue the success of the family’s various businesses, which began with Nito’s Auto Supply in 1964 founded by their father, Juanito King. In his 45 years of experience in business, Mr. King has imprinted a footprint in the landscape of Cebu businesses.

On receiving the honor during the Grand Chamber Awards Night last June 29, 2018 at Oakridge Pavilion, Mr. King was humbled by the gesture saying that it was beyond his expectation.

In a press interview, Mr. King told The Freeman that he owes his claim to success by cultivating an attitude of gratitude everyday as an antidote to greed, envy or entitlement, the common drawbacks of businesses.

“Everything is a gift,” says the 63-year old tycoon expressing his credo of gratitude. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus,” he added quoting from the book of Thessalonians.

Photo by Ehda Dagooc, courtesy of  The Freeman

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